Friday, January 13, 2017

Drive - A Memoir 13th Installment

an accurate gun but also a dangerous one. A young, new and excited hunter may see game and in a moment of excited jitters, shoot his foot off.
I put the bullet in the chamber the bullet warm from my pocket. I figured we were close enough to where I needed to do my business.
Russ immediately reminded me, “Take it out. You know smart hunters never climb through a fence with a loaded gun – only stupid hunters do.”
“I know that. I sort of forgot the antelope was on the outside of our fence,” I muttered. We quickly went through the ‘fence–rule ritual.’ First, I emptied the gun then passed the gun to Russ and climbed through the fence. Then Russ passed me the gun and climbed through…kind of like a ‘do–si–do’ with a rifle. We hurried to where we were before. “OK, there are the ears I saw,” I said, recognizing the spot.
“Or imagined I didn't see anything!” Russ was back to his usual judgmental attitude of an older brother. We advanced a little forward, creeping to the side until we found our spot. I knelt on one knee, brought up the gun, and tried real hard to hold it steady. Russ whispered, “That is him, now I can see his whole head from here.” then with a teasing sing–song rasp he said, “Did you remember to put the bullet in the chamber?”
Dope slap!’ I needed one. “I’ll never get the respect I deserve until I stop making little kid mistakes,” I admonished myself silently. I quickly, but with deliberate motions, opened the bolt, slid in the bullet, and resumed my position.
Karraaack! The shot popped the top of the antelope's head off with an ear still attached. As the echo of the gun's bark faded away, Russ uttered, “That was cool!” in obvious admiration. Then, as of one mind, we raced over to take a look. It only took a few moments of sights and smells before we backed away.
Yuck! This is the stuff nightmares come from,” I said to Russell taking only a short breath. It was obvious that there was nothing to keep with this one, and I was pretty sure it was dead before I even shot it the second time. I didn’t like the way I felt. Even though we were standing on public land held by the Bureau of Land Management I felt like I was trespassing on someone’s place and suggested nervously, “let’s get out of here.” Russ instinctively knew what I meant and I’m sure he felt the same dread, “yah, we need to get back on our farm.”
We gathered up the antelope Russ had shot, and lugged it to the tractor. Even though this carcass wasn’t too heavy I was glad we had the tractor. I would’ve hated carting this dead weight all the way back to the house. As we laid the antelope over the hood of the tractor, Russ

500 more words tomorrow

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