Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Drive - A Memoir 49th Installment

Edith, meeting us half way, said, “I’ll send hot milk; by the time you want a drink, it’ll be just right.” She did heat the milk. Edith was good that way; she always took real good care of us. Quite often Edith would ask us, “What do you want for lunch, a baloney sandwich or a bowl of stew?” We got to choose what we wanted. There were hundreds of nice things and even more good situations Edith would provide for us. Russ and I pulled on our winter gear, collected our guns and ammo, retrieved the charged up 12 volt car battery, found the spotlight from the basement, got our cookies with a mason jar of hot milk and set out. Russ started the tractor while I loaded up all our hunting junk and saddled myself straddling the tractor hood. We drove the half mile to the hill, shut off the head lights and drove toward the hay field called ‘The Twenty–five.’ The only light we could drive by was the spot I was shining around at likely clumps of brush. Sure enough, we started seeing jackrabbits right away. When a jackrabbit was in the spotlight, it would stay still. Russ would stop, take up the 22 rifle and pop the jackrabbit in the chest if it was twenty feet or more away. If it was closer, he would pop the jackrabbit in its red eye the spotlight caused. The driver got the fun of shooting, and I always wanted to drive and shoot, but the driver also had to get off his butt, get the jackrabbit and fling it in the barrel because someone had to hold the light. I guess it was even–steven.

When do I get to shoot?” I whined.

When hell freezes over!” Russ retorted.
Hell did freeze over,” I reminded him, “a few days ago when it was forty below zero!”
Russ let me drive. He was older and smarter, so he was the ‘boss of me.’ Only in his dreams, I thought, because physically I could whip his butt and that made us equal. When we had hunted all the way to the Twenty–five, we stopped at the hay stack. A few jackrabbits were already in the hay stack’s trap.
We should shoot them.” Russ had the spotlight trained on one and the jackrabbit was sitting there as pretty as a picture, ripe for the taking.

No,” I have a better idea, I said, “Let’s use them as decoys. Come on, if we can get the battery on top of the hay stack, then we can shoot the jackrabbits like we were snipers from up there.” I can always tell if Russell likes one of my ‘hare’ brained ideas and I could really tell he liked this one. We collected twine that was always lying around, tied several together, made a ‘cross tie sling’ for the battery and with the other

500 more words tomorrow

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