Monday, April 3, 2017

Drive - A Memoir 84rd Installment

and the slip was swinging wide, I reached out and gave Toby a slight push. It was enough. He leaned over and had to step off the edge of the slip. He took one bound, a huge step, then another bound that must have been ten feet, then a head long dive, balling up on impact with the sandy ground and rolling into the brush to the side of the road. Vicki coming behind stopped for him. He didn’t seem to be any worse for wear, only covered in dirt and weeds. Toby didn’t opt to step onto the slip; he scrambled onto the tractor to ride. I don’t remember him ever trusting a ride on a slip after that. Russ and I weren’t cruel enough to laugh out loud at him, but we were laughing on the inside. Later, we would laugh our butts off every time we told the story to someone (or just to each other).
I like Old Juan and I hope he doesn’t get pissed off at us for trying to kill his kid,” Russ told me on the ride home. 
Yeah I like Old Juan too. He works hard, he talks funny, sometimes looks scary and he tells great stories about his tough childhood,” I said.

Not as hard as we work and we tell stories about our tough childhood,” Russ challenged. 
Ya think,” Linda chirped in. “I think foreigners work harder than you snots.” 
Oh yeah, Casey and I move ninety tons of hay a day plus all our chores, plus our hay, plus the neighbors’ chores!” Russ barked itching for a fight. “All you do is drive the tractor and run your mouth.”

Isn’t it great,” I tried to calm Russ, “working I mean.”

We work harder than anybody at any age. Casey, tell her about Elwood; she won’t listen to me.”

Remember last week when we moved the haying operation to Elwood’s place? Carl’s leasing Elwood’s place and Elwood insisted on working along side of us,” I liked telling this story. “We were efficiently snatching and swinging the bales into place at a fast clip while Elwood was trying to lift a bale of hay, walk with the bale, and heft it into place, struggling all the way. Well, by noon he was so tired, he threw up his breakfast and went to the house. Elwood looks about thirty and should be in his prime.”

Linda shrugged and said, “Maybe he had the flu.” We all headed to the house without further argument.

500 more words tomorrow

Chapter 21
On the drive to Don’s dairy to milk the cows, as we crossed Camas Creek, I asked, “why don’t we go ‘fishin’ more often?” I was full of reverie about fishing.
We barely have time for sleeping and ‘eatin’. By the way, you don’t even like eating fish,” Russ challenged.
Only because of the bones,” I replied.

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